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Ideal of Brahmacharya -- Practice of Brahmacharya.

Ideal of Brahmacharya..

Sri Lakshmana

Lakshmana, the son of Dasaratha by his second queen Sumitra, was the younger brotherof Sri Rama. He was an Avatara of Adisesha. He was the constant companion of Rama both inpleasure and in pain. Rama and Lakshmana lived, dined, played and studied together. One couldnot bear the separation of the other. Lakshmana was a loving servant also of Sri Rama. Hecarried out Sri Rama’s commands to the very letter's. He lived in a perfect obedience to Sri Rama. 
Lakshmana had pure and untainted brotherly love. His object of life was service to hiselder brother. Obedience to the commands of his brother was the motto of his life. He would notdo anything without getting Rama’s permission. He regarded Sri Rama as his Guru,God, fatherand mother. He followed Rama as a shadow.

He was quite unselfish at heart. He abandoned all the comforts of a royal life willinglyonly for the company of his brother. He served Rama’s cause in all the possible ways. He madeRama’s cause his own. He sacrificed all personal consideration on the altar of brotherly love.Sri Rama was his all-in-all. Lakshmana could relinquish anything, his life even, for the sakc ofRama. He abandoned in the moment his mother, his wife and his royal comforts to follow SriRama and Sita in exile. What a magnanimous soul! What a great Tyagi he was! Here is anunprecedented example, in the history of the whole world, of a disinterested, noble and devotedsoul who lived only to serve his brother. That is the reason why the readers of Ramayanaeulogize Lakshmana for his pure & unique love towards his brother. Some eulogize Bharata,while others speak very highly of Hanuman, but Lakshmana was in no way inferior to Bharata orHanuman.

Lakshmana followed Sri Rama for the long period of fourteen years though he wasperfectly aware of the dangers of the forest. He accompanied Rama with his bow & arrow,though his help was not required by Visvamitra. It was all due to his devotion and love towardshis brother Sri Rama.

Sri Rama also had intense love for Lakshmana. When Lakshmana fell down unconsciousby the fatal arrow of Meghanada,Lord Rama’s heart was broken. He wept bitterly. He made adetermination not to revisit Ayodhya when he lost his dear brother. He said, “A wife like Sitacan be had, but a real devoted brother of the type of Lakshmana cannot be had again. The worldis nothing for me without my brother.”Lakshmana was pure in thought, word and deed. He led the life of an ideal Brahamachariduring the fourteen years of exile. He never looked at the face or body of Sita. His eyes wereever directed towards her lotus-like feet only. When Sugriva brought Sita’s cloak and jewels—

which, while she was being carried away, she had allowed to fall on the earth, seeing amonkeys on the mountain—Rama showed them to Lakshmana and asked whether he recognizethem. Lakshmana said

Naham Janami Keyure Naham Janami Kankane

Nupura Eva Janami Nityam Padabhivandanat

  “I don't recognise the bracelets or ear-rings; I know only the anklets, for I worshipped her feet alone.” See how Lakshmana revered maa Sita as mother or Goddess.Meghanada, the son of Ravana's, had conquered even Indra, the lord of gods. By virtue ofthis victory, Meghanada also came to be known as Indrajit. He had the boon of being invincible toall except to one who could abstain from all sorts of sensual enjoyments as least for a fullfourteen years. He was unconquerable. But Lakshmana destroyed him by the power of hispurity, by the power of Brahmacharya.

O Lakshmana! We shall ever sing thy glory and repeat, “Ram Lakshman Janaki, Jai BoloHanuman Ki!” Introduce us to our beloved Lord Rama, thy dear brother and master. Help usalso in holding communion with Lord Rama. O Lakshmana! Be ever merciful to those neophyteSadhakas who grope in the darkness of ignorance! Teach us the secret of success and help us inbecoming staunch celibates till the end of our lives. Once again, salutations to thee, OLakshmana, the darling of Sumitra and the apple of Sri Rama’s eyes!.

                                                                                                                           ...(vansh sharma)


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August 20, 2020 at 9:29 PM ×

Jai shrees sitaram🙏🙏

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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